Here we are the students and teachers, who are going to travel to Norway, to show Norwegian students and their school what our society is like and to learn about their society. Sixteen and seventeen year old boys and girls with an aim in mind to travel to a far away country and to use their English in order to share ideas on topics such as culture, history, monuments, environment and role of men and women in our societies.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
El día de Andalucía.
Este día es un gran día para la gente que vive aquí. Nos gusta celebrarlo comiendo pan con aceite de oliva, azúcar y sal.
En este día, los colegios, generalmente las escuelas primarias, traen mucho pan, azúcar y sal, se lo dan a los niños y niñas y ellos se lo comen con sus amigos
En el recreo, a la misma vez que los profesores lo comen también, esta es una manera de celebrar este día.
Cantamos el himno de Andalucía, lo aprendimos en nuestros colegios desde que éramos muy pequeños, como con 4 o 5 años, y hacemos representaciones sobe este día en nuestro colegios.
En mi opinión, es un buen día, me gusta recordar de dónde venimos, la historia de Andalucía, y es un día divertido a la misma vez porque puedes disfrutarlo con tus amigos saliendo por ahí o, como dije antes, comiendo un buen pan con aceite de oliva y sal.
English Version:
This day is a pretty big day for the people who live here. We like to celebrate it eating bread with olive oil and sugar or salt.
In this day, the schools, mostly just the elementary schools, bring a lot of bread, sugar and salt, and they give it to the different children so they can eat it with their friends at lunch, and sometimes , the teachers eat it too , so that’s one way to celebrated this day here.
We sing the anthem for this day, we learned it in our schools since we were really little, like 4 o 5 years old, and we do representations about this day in the schools.
In my opinion, it’s a good day, I like to remember where I come from, the history of Andalusia, and it’s fun at the same time because you can enjoy it with your friends just hanging out or, as I said before, eating some good bread with olive oil and salt.
Laura S.
En este día, los colegios, generalmente las escuelas primarias, traen mucho pan, azúcar y sal, se lo dan a los niños y niñas y ellos se lo comen con sus amigos
En el recreo, a la misma vez que los profesores lo comen también, esta es una manera de celebrar este día.
Cantamos el himno de Andalucía, lo aprendimos en nuestros colegios desde que éramos muy pequeños, como con 4 o 5 años, y hacemos representaciones sobe este día en nuestro colegios.
En mi opinión, es un buen día, me gusta recordar de dónde venimos, la historia de Andalucía, y es un día divertido a la misma vez porque puedes disfrutarlo con tus amigos saliendo por ahí o, como dije antes, comiendo un buen pan con aceite de oliva y sal.
English Version:
This day is a pretty big day for the people who live here. We like to celebrate it eating bread with olive oil and sugar or salt.
In this day, the schools, mostly just the elementary schools, bring a lot of bread, sugar and salt, and they give it to the different children so they can eat it with their friends at lunch, and sometimes , the teachers eat it too , so that’s one way to celebrated this day here.
We sing the anthem for this day, we learned it in our schools since we were really little, like 4 o 5 years old, and we do representations about this day in the schools.
In my opinion, it’s a good day, I like to remember where I come from, the history of Andalusia, and it’s fun at the same time because you can enjoy it with your friends just hanging out or, as I said before, eating some good bread with olive oil and salt.
Laura S.
The Day of Andalusia
In many little towns and cities, people decorate their balconies, they put the Andalusian flag, and they do competitions about the " Patios Andaluces".
There is no school on the 28th of February, but many schools celebrate it a few days before: they eat Andalusian breakfast, they draw different symbols about Andalusia, their history and they culture, they do plays about its culture and they sing the anthem of Andalusia. As I said before, the typical Andalusian breakfast usually is bread with olive oil and sugar, and sometimes with tomato too.
Antonio L.
There is no school on the 28th of February, but many schools celebrate it a few days before: they eat Andalusian breakfast, they draw different symbols about Andalusia, their history and they culture, they do plays about its culture and they sing the anthem of Andalusia. As I said before, the typical Andalusian breakfast usually is bread with olive oil and sugar, and sometimes with tomato too.
Antonio L.
Andalusian Anthem and Flag.

The National Anthem of Andalusia lyrics were written by Blas Infante, the father of Andalusian nationalism. They were adopted under the Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia[1]. The music for the anthem of Andalusia was composed by the former director of the municipal band of Sevilla José del Castillo Díaz. The origins of the music are vaguely inspired on the Santo Dios, a religious cantic widely spread in rural Andalusia, usually sung by peasants while reaping their crops. It is believed that Blas Infante suggested the music to José del Castillo. The melody of the anthem is Castillo's original though. After the Spanish Civil War, the original music scores were destroyed, and only a manuscript for piano is conserved. The composer Manuel Castillo improved José del Castillo's version.
The lyrics of the anthem of Andalusia:
The white and green flag
again, after centuries of war,
to say peace and hope,
under the sun of our land.
Andaluces, arise!,
Ask tierra y libertad!,
Be free in Andalusia,
Spain and humanity.
The Andalusians want
return to what we were:
light men, than men,
We gave them soul men.
Andaluces, arise!,
Ask tierra y libertad!,
Be free in Andalusia,
Spain and humanity.
Naira G.
Día de Andalucía

El Día de Andalucía se celebra el 28 de febrero y conmemora el referendum del año 1980, que dio autonomía plena a la comunidad andaluza.
En muchos pueblos y ciudades se decoran los balcones, donde se cuelga la bandera de Andalucía de las rejas de esta, y se celebran concursos de patios andaluces, entre otros
En los colegios, aunque la semana del 28 de febrero es festiva, conocida como Semana Cultural o bien Semana Blanca, el viernes de la semana anterior suele ser un día festivo en el colegio, y toman el desayuno andaluz, y colorean dibujos referentes a los símbolos de Andalucía, su historia y sus costumbres, representan obras de teatro costumbristas y cantan el Himno de Andalucía. De las costumbres mencionadas antes, el desayuno andaluz normalmente está compuesto por pan con aceite(a veces también con tomate).
El himno de Andalucía es:
La bandera blanca y verde,
vuelve tras siglos de guerra.
A decir Paz y Esperanza,
bajo el sol de nuestra tierra.
¡Andaluces, levantáos!
¡Pedid tierra y libertad!
Sea por Andalucia libre,
España y la Humanidad.
Los andaluces queremos
volver a ser lo que fuimos.
Hombres de luz que a los hombres,
Alma de hombres les dimos.
¡Andaluces, levantáos!
¡Pedid tierra y libertad!
Sea por Andalucia libre,
España y la Humanidad.
María S.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The fjords of Norway - the best destination in the world.

The fjords of Norway have won again voted annually by experts from National Geographic Traveler as the best destination in the world.
National Geographic has called to 437 independent experts in the fields of cultural heritage preservation, sustainable tourism, tourist literature and archeology in order to evaluate and develop a ranking of 133 well-preserved sites and characterized by its natural beauty around the world.
On 21 October, National Geographic published its ranking of the most famous in the world. It is the sixth consecutive year that National Geographic, in collaboration with the Center for Sustainable Destinations, make a list like this, being the second time that the Norwegian fjords earn the first place.
Alberto N.
Cien deportistas noruegos entrenan en Almuñécar

17 de febrero del 2010
Son 90 jóvenes y 8 profesores procedentes del Club deportivo de Stavanger, (Noruega), qué del 13 al 20 de febrero realizan sus entrenamientos en nuestra ciudad..
Los jóvenes, chicos y chicas con edades comprendidas entre los 16 y los 19 años, realizan sus entrenamientos en varias modalidades deportivas, especialmente, fútbol, balonmano, baloncesto, natación y atletismo, usando para ello las magnificas instalaciones deportivas que les ofrece el municipio sexitano, tanto al aire libre como cubiertas, además del propio paisaje que conforman nuestras calles, plazas, playas, parques, etc., utilizadas para los largos paseos que realizan cada día desde el Hotel Victoria Playa donde se aloja la expedición.
La escuela de la que proceden se denomina Wang Toppidrett. Es un centro educativo – deportivo de alto rendimiento construido hace 5 años. La sede central está en Oslo, con dos sucursales en las ciudades de Moss y Stavanger; precisamente de ésta última ciudad es de donde procede este grupo.
En otras ocasiones -es el tercer año que visitan Almuñécar- han venido grupos de su sede de la ciudad de Moss, siempre canalizados a través del touroperador noruego Event Travel, especializado en turismo deportivo.
Tal y como ha manifestado el concejal de Deportes, Jesús García, “una vez más se conjugan dos de nuestros potenciales más interesantes a nivel turístico – deportivo: la importante oferta hotelera de calidad que posee Almuñécar, así como unas instalaciones deportivas de primer orden, modernas, equipadas y muy demandadas en el mercado del centro y norte de Europa. Ellos encuentran en Almuñécar un clima y un lugar perfecto para pasar temporadas invernales, realizando unos entrenamientos cómodos, completos y muy satisfactorios, tal y como ellos mismos nos han manifestado en sus repetidas visitas”.
Pedro N.
Norway in the Winter Olympic Games

The Ice hockey player Tommy Jacobsen carried the Norwegian flag at the head of the Norwegian squad during the official opening ceremony of the Vancouver Olympic Winter Games.
Jacobsen, 39 years old, is participating in his third Winter Olympics, and is the first ice hockey player to carry the Norwegian flag at the Olympic march-in.
- It is a great honour for me, and great for Norwegian ice hockey, he said.
Norway is participating in the Winter Games with an ice hockey team for the first time in 16 years, and believe it or not, Norway's men play against host nation Canada in their opening match.
Laura S.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
It's still really cold in Oslo

Ice problems in Oslo
The several weeks of cold weather have resulted in more heavy ice than usual in the Oslo Fjord this early in the year, creating severe problems for shipping, also between Norway and Sweden.
The Color Line ferry between Sandefjord and Strømstad had to be cancelled Eraly Monday morning, and the ferry had severe problems all weekend, with several cancellations, NRK reports.
The smaller ferries in and around the Oslo haarbour basin have also had difficulties, and a couple of ferries have had to stop operating, and passengers have been transferred to buses for the time being.
Ice in the Oslo Fjord is usually not a serious problem before the end of February and in March, but according to statistics we have this year had the coldest January in 23 years.
THE NORWAY POST 03-February-2010
Verónica J.
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