Friday, January 22, 2010

A Norwegian Artist

Kristin Asbjornsen

(Inglés/ Engelsk/English)

Kristin Asbjørnsen presented his album, The Night Shines Like The Day, the eighteenth production of this artist, where you can find diverse influences ranging from gospel to pop songs.

According to his interpreter, these songs make people want to kiss.

The Norwegian artist was discovered after she sang in the soundtrack of the movie Factotum. In The Night Shines Like The Day, Asbjørnsen is associated with the pianist Tord Gustavsen, the cellist Svante Henryson and drummer Knut Aalefjaee.


Kristin Asbjørnsen presenterte sitt album, The Night Shines Like The Day, det attende produksjonen av denne kunstneren, hvor du kan finne ulike påvirkninger fra gospel til pop sanger.

Ifølge tolk hans liker disse sangene vekker ... kyss.

Den norske kunstneren ble oppdaget etter at han sang på soundtracket til filmen Factotum. In The Night Shines Like The Day er, Asbjørnsen assosiert med pianisten Tord Gustavsen, cellisten Svante Henryson og trommeslager Knut Aalefjaee.

Diego G.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

News from Norway in Spanish, English and Norwegian. First in Spanish ...

- 41’9°C en Skurdalen
Cuando Høier tomó la foto del termómetro a las 07:45 de esta mañana, mostró que estaban a -40.4°C.
- No es divertido, y sobre todo cuando fuera hay inundaciones así, escribe Høier en un correo electrónico a los editores.

Cristales de nieve en el bigote
- Me siento a leer en el registro de el frío de Dagali. No se han tomado imágenes para medir la temperatura por aquí, pero ten cuidado con el coche, mostró -38,5 en Heistadmoen aproximadamente a las 07:30 de la mañana del jueves.
Hacia tanto frio que Tommy tenía cristales de nieve en el bigote cuando se fue a trabajar esta mañana.

Menos 30’9°C

Bjorn Stangeby en Saggrenda mide 30’9°C en Saggrenda a 04:50 jueves por la mañana.

- Hizo un poco de frio en Saggrenda esta mañana..., los 30’9°C son un poco más de lo que dicen en la parte frontal de su Nettavisen, escribe Bjorn en el e-mail a los editores.

Menos 33’4°C

Justo en la parte superior de Heistadmoen, la temperatura fue de 33’4°C anoche, escribe Grethe Hjermundrud en un e-mail. Incluso a las 10:00 la temperatura es probablemente para presumir.

- Ahora mismo, a las 10:00, la temperatura es de menos 31,4°C.

Pablo F.

Now in English ...

- 41’9°C in Skurdalen

When Høier took the photo of the thermometer at 07:45 this morning, showed they were at -40.4 ° C.
- It's not fun, especially when there were floods, Høier writes in an email to publishers.

Snow crystals in the mustache
- I sit to read in the records of the the cold of Dagali. Pictures haven't been taken to measure the temperature around here, but be careful with the car; it was -38.5 in Heistadmoen approximately at 07:30 on Thursday.
Tommy was so cold that he had snow crystals in the mustache when he went to work this morning.

Less 30'9 ° C
Bjorn Stangeby in Saggrenda measured at 30'9°C in Saggrenda at 04:50 on Thursday morning.
- It made a little cold in Saggrenda on the morning ... the 30'9 ° C are a bit more of what they say in front of your Nettavisen, Bjorn writes in the e-mail to the editors.

Less than 33.4 ° C
Right at the top of Heistadmoen, the temperature was 33.4 ° C last night, Grethe Hjermundrud writes in an e-mail. Even at 10:00 the temperature is likely of presume.
- Right now, at 10:00, the temperature is below 31.4 ° C.

Pablo F.

...and finally, Norwegian.

- 41’9°C i Skurdalen
Da Høier tok bilde av gradestokken klokken 07.45 i morges viste den - 40,4.

- Det er slett ikke morsomt, og særlig ikke når strømmen var borte i tillegg, skriver Høier i en e-post til redaksjonen.
Snøkrystaller i barten
Selv Finnmarkinger i sør reagerer på temperaturen i disse tider.

- Jeg sitter og leser på om kulderekorden på Dagali. Jeg har ikke fått tatt bilde av temperaturmåleren her oppe, men vaktbilen viste -38,5 på Heistadmoen cirka klokken 07.30 torsdag morgen.
Så kaldt var det at Tommy hadde snøkrystaller i barten da han gikk på jobb i morges.
Minus 30,9
Bjørn Stangeby i Saggrenda målte 30,9 i Saggrenda klokken 04.50 torsdag morgen.

– Det var litt kaldt i Saggrenda denne morgenen …, 30,9 er litt mer enn det står på forsiden på nettavisen deres, skriver Bjørn i e-post til redaksjonen.
33,4 minus
Rett på oversiden av Heistadmoen var det 33,4 i natt, skriver Grethe Hjermundrud i en e-post. Selv klokken 10.00 er vel fortsatt ikke temperaturen noe å skryte av.

- Akkurat nå, klokken 10.00 er det minus 31,4.

Pablo F.


This is an ad. Cruzcampo, the typical Andalusian beer, wanted to pay tribute to the land of Andalusia and its people. The campaign tries to gloss over in seconds and features the most representative values of Andalusia and Andalusia and convey a message of pride, optimism and warmth. We like it, it is.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

News from Norway

Problems caused by low temperatures.

The weather has been really cold in Norway this week (below -40 Celcius in the inland valleys and -20 in Oslo) and it has caused several problems: bus transport has been affected and private drivers also have problems to start their cars. Streets in downtown Oslo have been flooded twice in the past few days.

The Norway Post (Online newspaper). Friday, 7th January, 2010.

Francisca P.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Last post about Christmas

The begining of Christmas can be considerate on December 22, with the Christmas Lottery. This draw is the most important in the country.

One of the main traditions is the Nativity scene, a miniature representation of the birth of Christ, the shepherds, the three wise men etc.. It is a Christmas decoration into homes, but can become a work of art.

The tradition of Christmas Eve Night is familiar. In fact, until recently, bars and restaurants did not open that night.It is usually a family dinner, with a varied menu, but the most normal dishes are seafood and turkey. Some towns and regions have also other typical dishes that night. At twelve o'clock at night, catholics attend "La misa del Gallo" .

Children sing carols and ask for the aguinaldo (candy, some coins ...). This tradition has disapppeared in cities but it continues in villages.
On the 28th of December is "El día de los Inocentes", this day it is permitted to play jokes on people.

Almost all families follow the end of the year through television with the last 12 strokes of midnight in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid, while they have to eat a lucky grape with each stroke.

The night of January 5 is the best moment for children, when the Three Wise Men, who travel on their three camels, arrive. They come in procession through the streets of towns and they throw candies and sweets. After this, the children have to go to bed early because, if they have behaved well, the Wise Men will bring everything they have asked for.
According to tradition, The Three Wise men, called Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar, who represent Europe Asia and África respectively, brought to baby Jesus Christ, gold, incense and myrrh.

The day after the night of the Wise Men, it is a tradition to eat "el roscón de reyes", a cake that have inside diferent surprises.

Diego G.