The begining of Christmas can be considerate on December 22, with the Christmas Lottery. This draw is the most important in the country.
One of the main traditions is the Nativity scene, a miniature representation of the birth of Christ, the shepherds, the three wise men etc.. It is a Christmas decoration into homes, but can become a work of art.
The tradition of Christmas Eve Night is familiar. In fact, until recently, bars and restaurants did not open that night.It is usually a family dinner, with a varied menu, but the most normal dishes are seafood and turkey. Some towns and regions have also other typical dishes that night. At twelve o'clock at night, catholics attend "La misa del Gallo" .
Children sing carols and ask for the aguinaldo (candy, some coins ...). This tradition has disapppeared in cities but it continues in villages.
On the 28th of December is "El día de los Inocentes", this day it is permitted to play jokes on people.
Almost all families follow the end of the year through television with the last 12 strokes of midnight in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid, while they have to eat a lucky grape with each stroke.
The night of January 5 is the best moment for children, when the Three Wise Men, who travel on their three camels, arrive. They come in procession through the streets of towns and they throw candies and sweets. After this, the children have to go to bed early because, if they have behaved well, the Wise Men will bring everything they have asked for.
According to tradition, The Three Wise men, called Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar, who represent Europe Asia and África respectively, brought to baby Jesus Christ, gold, incense and myrrh.
The day after the night of the Wise Men, it is a tradition to eat "el roscón de reyes", a cake that have inside diferent surprises.
Diego G.