Palm Sunday
Day of start of Holy Week. The Church in this day commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as a 'server' of the Word of God. Since the V century in Jerusalem, the entry of Jesus into the holy city is celebrated with a procession.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
During Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the Holy Week, Jesus Christ continues his work aware that his end is inevitable and near. The Easter processions are still recalling passages from the last week in the life of Jesus.
Holy Thursday
It was on this day when Jesus lived the Last Supper, which instituted the Eucharist and he washed the feet of his disciples to tell us that we must cleanse our hearts. After the betrayal of Judas, Jesus is arrested, tried before Pontius Pilate and sentenced.
Holy Friday
The "Madrugá" is a special night during Holy Week.The night between Thursday and Good Friday, there are "processions" and the streets are crowded all night. It is the
day of celebration of the glorious passion of Jesus and his victorious death. The Lord's Cross stands as a symbol of salvation. Jesus is nailed to the cross between two thieves, Dismas and Gestas, to fulfill his desire to redeem all men. Today is central to all the mysteries which the Church celebrates.
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday is a day of joy at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the Gospels it is said that it was on Sunday morning when the women who visited the tomb of Jesus realized that he has resurrected.
Pablo F.