Thursday September 16 “A tiring day”
I got up in the morning and I had breakfast with the family. I have gone to school by bicycle. Then we have been welcomed to Kongsberg and we have taken our first English class, it has been very boring.
Then we have eaten and we have gone to Spanish class .It was fun. Then we have made a yinkana along Kongsberg. When we have finished, we have gone to have dinner and then we have played volleyball and soccer. And finally we have gone to a jazz concert.
*Words I have learnt in Norwegian:
- Hei! = hola!
- Hadebra = adiós
- God morgen = buenos días
- God natta = buenas noches
- Takk = gracias
- Hav heter du? = ¿cómo te llamas?
- Jeg heter Verónica = Me llamo Verónica
- Vaer sa snill = por favor
- Hav er klokka? = ¿qué hora es?
- Vi sees! = nos vamos!
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