Today was our first day here in Norway. I woke up at 6:45, and we had to take the train to Kongsberg at 7:30 in the train station that is next to my house. In the morning I had a little more confidence with Katherine and we've been talking over breakfast.
We arrived at school at about 8:00 and for a start Erik, who is the coordinator of the exchange with Norway, has given us a talk at the Canteen about the objectives of this exchange, the topics to be discussed during our stay here, and he has explained a little what we will do these days. After that, we have divided in 4 groups to work on these topics, and each group's spokesman has received a laptop to work with it.
When we finished we had our first English class together that has given us a French woman, and we had to introduce ourselves one by one, and then she handed to us some poems to read in class. After a 10 minutes’ break, she has put us a documentary about the flora, fauna, climate and topography of Norway.
We ended at 11:30 and we went to the Canteen to eat together, and when we finished, half of us went to Norwegian classes, and the other half went to help with Spanish lessons. I have gone to Norwegian classes, and we have been learning numbers, colours, and simple phrases such as "My name is ____" or" I’m ___ years old."
They had prepared for us a treasure hunt to learn a little about Kongsberg, and in groups of 5 we have started with some difference of time. It was about finding several places marked on a map and answering a series of questions about them, the answers were to be found in the same site or asking people.
After treasure hunt we went to our homes to eat a little and then, at about 6:00, back to school to play volleyball and soccer against the Norwegians. They also bought food and drinks for later. And when we finished, we went home.
QUOTE: I have just come and I’m freezing, it's very cold but it is one of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever seen.
By Pablo.
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